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Benefits Of Residential Addiction Treatment

Benefits Of Residential Addiction Treatment

For some people struggling with a substance use disorder, outpatient treatment may be sufficient to help them get clean. However, those with severe or long-term addictions might need more.

Boundaries to Set When a Loved One is Addicted

Boundaries to Set When a Loved One is Addicted

Every situation is different, so the choice of appropriate boundaries depends on your relationship with the addict and the nature of their addiction. Here are a few commonly recommended rules.

How To Tell If An Alcoholic Is Drinking Again

How To Tell If An Alcoholic Is Drinking Again

Getting clean is no easy task, and relapsing is strikingly common. Noticing if a loved one is drinking again can be crucial to preventing even further damage to their brain, body, and life.

How Does Vivitrol Work?

How Does Vivitrol Work?

By significantly minimizing the discomfort of withdrawal and attacking one’s propensity to cravings, Vivitrol injections can be incredibly useful to prevent relapses during sobriety.

Why Codependency and Addiction Go Hand In Hand

Why Codependency and Addiction Go Hand In Hand

Codependents and addicts go together hand-in-glove—they each fill a void in the other’s life. The addict “needs” the codependent, and the codependent “needs” the addict.

The Stages Of Alcohol Withdrawal

The Stages Of Alcohol Withdrawal

There are 3 potential stages of alcohol withdrawal that a person may experience, the physiological severity of which is relative to the strength of one’s physical dependence on alcohol.

Does Naltrexone Work?

Does Naltrexone Work?

Naltrexone is best for people who want to reduce alcohol intake over time and who want to reset their mental and physical reactions to alcohol.

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Methadone Use?

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Methadone Use?

While methadone is considered a safer alternative to other narcotics, the drug still has a high risk for abuse and side effects. Individuals can abuse methadone by taking more frequent or higher doses than prescribed and can become addicted.

How Does LSD Affect The Brain and Body?

How Does LSD Affect The Brain and Body?

LSD is a powerful substance that can lead to some terrifying experiences. For those with mental health conditions or risk factors for psychosis, acid trips may lead to potentially distressing long-term psychological issues.

The Role Of Family During Addiction Recovery

The Role Of Family During Addiction Recovery

Fortunately, family members can take supportive roles and encourage recovery. Someone should play the role of the supportive but firm caregiver, encouraging the addicted family member to take positive action.