How can I find a recovery support group in Indiana?

How can I find a recovery support group in Indiana?

In 2022, 48.7 million people suffered from a substance use disorder (SUD), so if you are one of those people, you’re not alone. Often, those in recovery find it beneficial to attend support groups to interact with peers and to share their struggles and successes. If...
Should my family be involved in my recovery?

Should my family be involved in my recovery?

A substance abuse disorder (SUD) affects not only the individual, but their entire family. It can be very destructive to family relationships, but during recovery, the family can play an instrumental role in the healing process. In fact, family involvement in your...
What are the long-term health effects of alcohol addiction?

What are the long-term health effects of alcohol addiction?

Chronic alcohol use takes a toll on the body over time, affecting many systems and increasing the risk of certain cancers. The good news is that if you stop using alcohol, your health may improve, allowing you to live a longer life. You can seek treatment and start...
Is codeine addictive?

Is codeine addictive?

Because codeine is widely prescribed, most people don’t think of codeine as a problem drug like fentanyl or heroin, but as an opioid, it’s commonly abused. In 2022, more than 19.8 million people used codeine, with 9.3% of those people misusing the drug. Like any...
What is evidence-based treatment and why is it important?

What is evidence-based treatment and why is it important?

In the medical world, treatments are based on what research and data have shown to work for your condition. Your doctor prescribes you medicine that has been proven to be effective. It’s an evidence-based decision to give you that medicine. In the mental health world,...