Methamphetamine, or meth for short, is an extremely potent central peripheral nervous system stimulant that can produce a large range of symptoms. Methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms can be severe and difficult to overcome.
Methamphetamine can also be known as Desoxyn, which is often used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as a treatment for obesity. Desoxyn is a legal methamphetamine that is not commonly known and rarely prescribed.
People take methamphetamine for a number of reasons that produce a number of desired effects. Some of those desired effects include:
- Increased Attention Levels
- Increased Activity Levels
- Decreased Appetite Levels
- Increased Energy Levels
Because of the drug’s extreme potency, it can possibly be difficult to stop using methamphetamine. Once someone does cease using methamphetamine, they may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms from the dangerous drug. A common myth about addiction is that addicts are weak, but we know that with the right assistance and treatment, addicts can overcome their addiction.
Possible methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms include:
- Fatigue or Tiredness
- Insomnia
- Excessive Sleepiness
- Severe Cravings
- Mood Swings
- Severe Depression
- Increased appetite
- Paranoia
- Night Sweats
Withdrawal Timeline
Usually, withdrawal from methamphetamine lasts anywhere from one to three weeks. Sometimes though, methamphetamine withdrawal may last a month or more. The amount of your time it takes to withdrawal from meth will depend upon how much of and what type of dosage level of the drug the user consumes.
Withdrawing from methamphetamine will be a different experience for each and every individual, however, methamphetamine withdrawal can generally be broken down into two stages:
- Acute Withdrawal
- Subacute Withdrawal or (PAWS)
Though every individual’s drug withdrawal period is different, there is most certainly always an acute withdrawal period. Acute withdrawal lasts between seven to 10 days and is partnered with a number of severe symptoms that include hostility or aggression, fear, anxiety, panic, mood swings, insomnia, and depression.
Subacute withdrawal or Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms lasts at least another two weeks, for a minimum, after acute withdrawal symptoms cease. It’s during this period that relapse is most likely to occur, and because of that, is why it is important to make sure that you are in a top residential drug rehab program.
Methamphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms Withdrawal Timeline
The initial withdrawal period from methamphetamine typically peaks about 24 hours after the last dose and declines in severity after that. The first seven to 10 days after stopping the use of methamphetamine, individuals usually begin to experience symptoms such as:
- Increased sleep
- Increased appetite
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Severe drug cravings
Physical symptoms tend to cease during the acute withdrawal phase, however, the psychological symptoms, such as cravings, often continue on for months and are often the biggest obstacle to staying drug-free for an extended time period.
There are some individuals who persistently abuse methamphetamine who may also experience post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) which in turn can include anxiety, cravings, depression, and mood swings. PAWS can last as high as six months or more, so it is best to seek medical assistance while in early withdrawal from methamphetamine so as to receive proper emotional, psychological and physical support.
What Causes Methamphetamine Withdrawal?
Individuals who abuse methamphetamine can easily develop a physical dependence on the drug. Physical dependence occurs when the body adapts to the constant presence of the drug in its system. Once a physical dependence is established, tolerance to the drug typically follows, which means that the individual will need larger and more frequent doses of methamphetamine to feel the same effects a smaller dose once created.
Although the effects of methamphetamine can possibly be felt quickly, the drug leaves the body in a rapid fashion, which can lead to a “crash.” When someone repeatedly takes large doses of meth together in a short period to avoid this crash, it can step up the development of physical dependence and tolerance.
Methamphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms Can Be Dangerous
If someone suddenly stops using the drug, they will likely experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms nearly immediately. Though methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms can persist and affect someone’s mood, it is necessary to know that at Bridges of Hope Rehab we are a meth treatment clinic. We can help you overcome methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms, just call us at 765-358-7320 for help today!