Cocaine Detox with Bridges of Hope
Cocaine detox programs are specifically designed to help you with your cocaine addiction. In fact, when you first enter Bridges of Hope, detox is one of the first treatments you will go through. In order to go through cocaine treatment safely and successfully, you will need a drug rehab center with experience in several different types of drug rehab. If you or a loved one is ready to detox from cocaine, you need to contact us at Bridges of Hope. Our phone number is 888-481-8803, we’re here, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
According to one recent study, there were about 1.5 million current cocaine users over the age of 12 in the United States in 2014 alone. People between the ages of 18 and 25 are the ones most likely to abuse this particular drug, and it contributes to thousands of deaths every single year.
Cocaine addiction could not be more serious, and at Bridges of Hope Treatment Center, our cocaine detox program has been built from the ground up to not only address the issues you’re facing but to offer significant improvements to your long-term health as well.
Cocaine addiction has become widespread in our society. Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that can cause acute devastation when used in any form. At Bridges of Hope, we are that expert drug rehab facility. We are ready to support your efforts throughout your cocaine detox programs. At Bridges of Hope, our goals are to make you as comfortable as possible while helping you to achieve a life of sober living. The highly trained staff at B-Hope is able to help you bring this goal to reality in our cocaine treatment center.
What is Cocaine?
Cocaine is an extremely powerful, and highly addictive stimulant that is a derivative of the leaves of the coca plant. Cocaine is a white crystalline, powdery substance and the drug tastes bitter and commonly numbs the tongue and lips. While some users find that the drug enables them to perform and complete physical and mental tasks quicker, other users have been known to experience the complete opposite effect from using cocaine.
Research has also shown us that cocaine is a powerfully addictive substance that can alter brain structure and function if used repeatedly.
Cocaine is a Schedule II drug, which means that it has a high potential for abuse but is still possible to be administered by a doctor for legitimate medical uses, such as local anesthesia for some:
- Eye Surgery
- Ear Surgery
- Throat Surgery
The overall use of cocaine as an anesthetic has decreased substantially with the increased development of synthetic local anesthetics.
Names for Cocaine
There are many slang terms used for powdered cocaine that are far too many to list. However, with that in mind, there are a number of common street names or slang for cocaine. Those common slang or street names for cocaine are as follows:
- Aunt or Aunt Nora
- Batman
- Bernie’s flakes or Bernie’s Gold Dust
- Big C or Big rush
- Candy C
- Bouncing Powder
- Blow
- Stash
- Girl
- Snow
- Star
- Stardust
- She
How Do People Abuse Cocaine
People abuse cocaine in two chemical forms:
- Water-soluble hydrochloride salt (powdered form)
- Water-insoluble cocaine base (or freebase)
The most common form of cocaine that is used is the powdered form of the drug. Cocaine users inject or snort the hydrochloride salt, which is a powder. The freebase form of cocaine is created by processing the drug with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water, then heating it to remove the hydrochloride to produce a smokable substance. This form of cocaine is also called crack cocaine, which is indicated by the cracking sound the drug may make when used.
Ready to Detox from Cocaine?
Call Us at 888-481-8803
Signs of Cocaine Abuse
A person that is currently high on cocaine may appear as excited, may have an inflated or abnormal sense of self-confidence and they may exhibit a greater sense of well-being. The cocaine user may be more excited sexually and talkative. Their energy will also be excessive or higher than normally exhibited, with a decreased appetite and the user will not have a normal sleep pattern.
Cocaine use by an individual is difficult to hide. Some of the easily observable symptoms of cocaine use are as follows:
- Traces of white powder around a person’s nose
- While there are many people who snort the drug (thus leaving the powder), there are some that will dissolve and inject the drug. There is a very select few who will ingest it, which leads to severe intestinal damage.
- Dilated pupils
- Expect the person that is high on cocaine to have dilated pupils and eyes that are overly sensitive to light.
- Runny noses
- After long use, cocaine users experience nosebleeds and damage to the inside of the nose.
- Needle marks on arms, legs, hands, feet, or neck
- Cocaine users may also dissolve and inject the drug, in which case you might find discarded syringes left around the place cocaine is consumed.
As powder cocaine’s effects only last an hour or less, the user may leave periodically so he or she can use more of the drug.
Other Signs of Cocaine Use
- Dilated pupils
- Runny nose (snorting)
- Nosebleeds (snorting)
- Track marks (injecting)
- Burned lips or fingers (smoking)
Physical Symptoms:
- Fast heart rate
- Constricted blood vessels
- Enlarged Heart
- Heart attacks
- Cardiac arrest
Mental Symptoms:
- Euphoria
- Overconfidence
- Unusual excitement
- Aggressiveness
- Paranoia
- Poor judgment
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
Long-Term Signs of Cocaine Use
When a person has been using cocaine over a long time period, they are likely to suffer physical and mental deterioration. Symptoms of long-term cocaine abuse can include:
- Depression
- Agitation
- Nervousness
- Tiredness but unable to sleep
- Strong cravings for the drug.
- After long term use of cocaine tolerance for the drug increases and more of the drug is required to create an effect similar to earlier use.
If they try to discontinue use, they will experience intense cravings for the drug. They may experience a “crash” consisting of depressed moods, anxiety, irritability, apathy, and long periods of sleep.
How Long Does Withdrawal From Cocaine Last?
Taking cocaine results in a very extreme sense of euphoria that is a result of a massive release of the neurotransmitter dopamine and, to a lesser extent, norepinephrine. When individuals stop using cocaine during a cocaine binge or discontinue use after a lengthy period of regular use, they will almost inevitably experience what many users refer to as “a crash.”
There are three easily observable phases of cocaine withdrawal. Cocaine has a very short half-life in the system of about 60 minutes, so the initial phase can occur rather quickly:
- Phase I of Cocaine Withdrawal: Phase I consists of the crash that occurs after stopping the use of cocaine that can last for a day to a few days. In Phase I of cocaine withdrawal, individuals typically demonstrate relatively strong feelings of depression and anxiety, an inability to feel pleasure, irritability, fatigue, an increased need for sleep, increased appetite, and strong cravings. There is a potential for several physical symptoms to occur, including tachycardia arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, severe dehydration, trembling, and an increased potential to develop seizures, but these are rare. Phase I of cocaine withdrawal is dangerous, which is why there needs to be a medically assisted detox of cocaine.
- Phase II of Cocaine Withdrawal: Phase II of cocaine withdrawal can last up to 10 weeks and is characterized by increased cravings, irritability, periods of fatigue and lethargy, and some issues with attention and concentration.
- Phase III of Cocaine Withdrawal: Phase III of cocaine withdrawal is known as the extinction phase. In the extinction phase of cocaine detox, individuals still experience cravings, especially when exposed to certain environmental triggers. Indicative of this phase of cocaine detox is possible long-term issues with apathy, mood swings, and irritability.
What Factors Determine the Severity and Length of Cocaine Withdrawal?
There are several different factors that are involved in determining the length of the withdrawal process and the severity of symptoms that people experience:
- The type of drug a person is taking will influence any physical or psychological symptoms that occur once the person either stops or cuts down on using it. Some drugs are associated with a high risk for physical dependence, whereas other drugs produce mainly psychological symptoms associated with their discontinuation.
- The manner in which a person stops using the drug will influence the severity or length of any potential withdrawal symptoms. Individuals who just stopped taking the drug altogether will more often experience more severe and lengthy withdrawal symptoms than individuals who taper down the dosage they take over an extended period of time.
- The dose of the drug that the person was taking will affect the severity of the withdrawal symptoms and the length of time the withdrawal process takes. Typically, higher doses of the drug are associated with lengthy and severe withdrawal effects.
- The length of use is another factor that can determine the length and severity of withdrawal symptoms. Typically, the longer a person used or abused the drug, the more severe and lengthy withdrawal symptoms will be.
- Personal differences in physiology and emotional makeup also play a part in the length and severity of withdrawal symptoms.
Our Approach to Cocaine Detox and Treatment
The passionate, caring and experienced team of licensed professionals at Bridges of Hope not only offers detoxification services, but also aftercare support and beyond. Everyone responds differently to cocaine detox, which is why a “one size fits all” approach to this process just doesn’t cut it.
Everything we do is geared towards the specific patient in question, offering them the personal assistance they need to address both their addiction and underlying issues in a way that gives them the best chance for long-term success moving forward. We follow all ASAM standards of practice and offer the same high level of care to each and every person we serve.
Don’t Go at Cocaine Detox All Alone
Cocaine addiction is something that unfortunately affects millions of people around the world – but it’s also not something you have to deal with any longer. If you or a loved one is suffering from cocaine addiction and are interested in exploring innovative, evidence-based approaches to detoxification, or if you’d just like to discuss your own personal situation with someone in a little more detail, please don’t delay. Cocaine is a dangerous drug that is difficult, if not dangerous to detox from alone.
If you are ready to detox from cocaine, you definitely should not detox by yourself. Give us a call at Bridges of Hope at 888-481-8803, we are here to help you detox from cocaine today!