5 Qualities to Look for in Good Sober Supports

by | Oct 22, 2018 | Recovery, Treatment

If you have successfully completed a drug treatment program, it is an accomplishment worth celebrating. You have done all the heavy lifting in overcoming your addiction, but you can not recover alone. You’re going to need sober supports. The key to long-term sobriety is having a sober support system. Your sober supports will ensure that you have the tools and support to guard against relapse. Before you search for  “sober support near me”,  building a good support system in sobriety boils down to five key areas. By having these important pieces in place, you can find lasting success in your recovery.


The first ingredient in having a healthy support system in recovery is accountability. Simply defined, accountability is having someone who can be candid with you—especially if you are slipping in your recovery. Those sober supports who hold you accountable will be 100% honest, and they will offer you insight on how you can get back on track.

If in your support system, you have nobody that holds you accountable for your actions, your recovery will become a slippery slope. Without accountability, you will find ways to justify behaviors and actions that are not consistent with your recovery plan. Whether it is family, loved ones, those in 12-step recovery programs, or your sponsor, having people in your corner to guide you to the right path is crucial in keeping your sobriety.


The second hallmark of sober supports is fellowship. When you think of fellowship, you think of a group of people who can directly relate to your circumstances and experiences. It is through the sharing of these circumstances and experiences that you can become empowered to continue working a program of recovery to the fullest.

An excellent example of fellowship is your 12-step or similar sober support group. During meetings, individuals who may have experienced some of the same problems as you – share their struggles as well as ways to overcome obstacles. In addition to meetings, you can experience fellowship with like-minded people at a coffee shop, sporting event, or social gathering.


A healthy sober support group also includes resources that offer you information about your specific issues. With these resources in place and readily available, you have a better chance to combat relapse and stay sober. Think of this education as adding tools to your own recovery toolkit. If you are aware of your relapse triggers, resources, and healthy outlets you can move forward in your recovery.

The main source for this education are the counselors and support staff at your treatment facility. Even if you successfully complete inpatient drug treatment, treatment staff at most facilities offer outpatient treatment, sober living, and even have alumni programs to help you stay connected. These people want to see you succeed in sobriety, so do not be afraid to seek their help.

Psychological Services

In addition to family, friends, sponsors, and your fellowship group, a counselor or psychiatrist can be another invaluable member of your sober supports. Many times, drug and alcohol addiction are merely a symptom of a deeper issue. These co-occurring disorders can be extremely complex, and there can be unresolved issues that can sneak up on you long after the end of drug treatment.

Having a counselor or psychologist to turn to in times of need can be valuable in keeping your sobriety intact. If needed, a psychiatrist can obtain medications that you need or may set up a medically assisted treatment plan for you. By attending regular counseling, it will give you added confidence and give you the independence that you need to stay successful in recovery. Often these services are available at a sober living home.


The fifth and most important aspect of sober supports is having a definite sense of purpose. This can be the most difficult aspect to nail down in the fact that comes down to you and you alone. You must ask yourself one question: What is the reason I want to stay in recovery? It may seem like such a simple answer, but you need to really dig deep and discover your true motives.

Why do you really want to be in recovery? If your number one purpose in recovery is to heal from your past, knowing that you have that goal helps you focus on something positive and not on your addiction. Having this purpose gives you hope and keeps you moving forward every day. Ultimately, having purpose directs you to make positive changes in your life. Part of these changes is including people who support the direction you are headed.

Build your sober support system by finding people who truly understand you and want to offer encouragement. Stick close to those family, friends, and other loved ones who want the best for you. In addition to those who are closest to you, including those in your fellowship group. Those who attend meetings can provide a wealth of knowledge and can often be a “second family” to lean on when you need it most.

It is highly recommended that you include professionals such as counselors, therapists, or psychiatrists in your sober support system. Having a professional in your corner can be valuable in furthering your understanding of your addiction. The biggest thing to remember is that sober supports aren’t “yes men”. Your sober support system is a group of people that will offer you guidance, honesty, and inspiration as you further your journey into recovery.

The Benefits Of Support During A Sobriety Journey

Reaching sobriety is a journey, and it is never easy to take the first steps. However, having a supportive and understanding network of people can make all the difference in making that journey easier. Having friends, family members, social services professionals, or even an online support group can create an atmosphere of understanding that can make your sobriety journey less challenging. From providing trust and compassion when facing relapse to offering advice on new post-sobriety activities, having reliable support can provide invaluable guidance along the path to sobriety and maintaining a sober lifestyle. Additionally, having people you can turn to removes feelings of isolation or alienation during difficult times and encourages progress toward lasting sobriety.

Support also provides stability and holds you accountable if you start slipping up on your goals or behaviors, and helps bring structure into your life. Friends or family can lend emotional as well as practical support; whether it be inviting you over for dinner or a movie so you don’t feel alone or checking in on how you’re doing with recovery after tough days. Genuine support makes all the difference when you’re trying to turn away from unhealthy habits towards healthier ones – so seek out the people that will be there during the hard times and celebrate your successes with you!

Start the Journey of Recovery Today!

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, finding professional help is paramount. With all the treatment options that are available, you can easily become overwhelmed and not know where to turn. As a premier treatment facility, B-Hope features experienced treatment staff whose number one goal is to help you recover.

We can design an individualized treatment program that fits your unique needs. B-Hope will provide the tools and support you need to become empowered in your sobriety. We will be the sober support system you need to realize your dream of being healthy, happy, and sober. Call us toll-free right now, we are here and available at 765-358-7320 today!