Outpatient Alcohol Rehab
About Our Outpatient Rehab For Alcohol Abuse
Our Indiana outpatient alcohol rehab is an alcohol addiction treatment that is as effective as an inpatient rehab. It offers the participant flexible programs that result in long-term sobriety. However, patients are required to travel to the facility daily for therapy.
Admission into an intensive outpatient program can be very unsettling for a number of patients. This happens when the patient is admitted into such facility for the first time. Participants of an outpatient alcohol abuse program are offered quite a number of services. Some of the more common phases of alcohol treatment are outlined below.
Assessment and Intake: Assessment of the patient is done before getting admitted into the program. Assessment features screening of the patient by addiction experts to determine the severity of the patient’s condition. Underlying mental disorders may also be diagnosed during assessment. During assessment, the patient’s medical history, drug history, and physical examination are taken. Information received during the assessment helps staff to design a treatment program that suits your condition.
Some alcoholics may need to go through withdrawal under medical supervision before beginning an outpatient program. Alcoholics can undergo withdrawal at a safe place courtesy of medical detox. Healthcare professionals (medical doctors and nurses) do supervise the detox process to make it more comfortable and worthwhile. They can also assist in the event of a medical emergency.
Not everyone has to take part in an outpatient program for addiction. People who have been addicted or suffered a substance abuse for a long time are best suited for an inpatient addiction program. Also, those who have frequent relapses or near death experiences due to addiction should go for an inpatient addiction program and not an outpatient program for addiction. Upon completion of treatment in an inpatient facility, the patient can then proceed to an intensive outpatient program. The outpatient program is for those who are in the early stages of addiction and do not require intense treatment or therapy or as a step down program. The outpatient program for addiction in Indiana is also best for those who have engagements such as work, school, and business etc. that they have to deal with. They can attend treatments for a few times during the week, and also have time for other affairs.
Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol Abuse
What are the Effects of Alcohol Abuse?
Excessive intake of alcohol causes a depression of the central nervous system and causes the retardation of the body’s physical and mental processes. In social settings, it is not uncommon to see a group of men or women sitting to enjoy a drink of beer – the idea is that it reduces feelings of anxiety and stress.
Distinguishing between alcohol use and abuse of alcohol is quite difficult because there is no law criminalizing it. It is widely accepted in our society. Most alcoholics live a full life – complete family, high paying career etc. Implying that they can perform most of their daily activities without alcohol interfering. The use and misuse of alcohol is often seen in conjunction with the abuse of other substances.
What Services Do We Offer At Our Indiana Outpatient Alcohol Rehab?
Talk therapy: Psychotherapy is the foremost of outpatient alcohol programs in Indiana. Psychotherapy takes place in two forms. There is the individual session and group sessions. During individual sessions, the patient has the opportunity to discuss personal issues with and learn directly from the counselor and experienced therapist. The individual session gives you the privacy you need to discuss your condition. On the other hand, the group session involves sharing of experiences among peers experiencing similar problems to you. Patients get to know each other, the struggle faced by each other while under addiction, and treatment, what pushed them into substance abuse among others. Participation in family therapy and self-help groups is also strongly encouraged.
Medications: A good number of alcoholics respond well to medications and pharmacologic treatment. Medications used in the treatment of alcoholism have a variety of effects. While some may stop you from drinking, others may cause drinking to seem unpleasant to the drinker, or cause you to have an unpleasant feeling when drinking.
Educational sessions: Our outpatient alcohol program in Indiana offers educational sessions for their clients. We know that knowledge is power. There is a need for the patient to understand the theories of alcohol abuse, how alcohol affects brain function, and the general health. This will demystify the concept of addiction. Also, educational sessions allow the recovering patient to understand the disease model of addiction and what to do to overcome or prevent it.
Supportive services: Our Indiana outpatient alcohol rehab offers support services for clients during and after rehab. We know that without support services, the patient’s stay in a treatment center may not really be worth it. Supportive services help recovering patients to adapt to life in the outside world upon recovery. Supportive services include helping low-income earners figure out how to settle their bills, earn better, or learn vocation skills.
What Should You Expect After Our Outpatient Alcohol Rehab?
Attending a rehab program is a good step to take if you want to overcome alcohol abuse and addiction. However, recovery is much more than attending therapy sessions. A lot of steps need to be taken to ensure the success of the rehab program.
After completing your rehab program, you will have to work with a therapist or an addiction expert to create an exit plan. An exit plan features important details such as residential area and workplace. These are essential because your immediate environment could either trigger a relapse or encourage you to recover. Exit plans also cover what kind of treatment you should continue with after ending your rehab program.
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Have a short call with one of our staff, and understand everything that you want to know before you make the decision. We look forward to helping you on your way to recovery.