At one time point in time, before the advent of the dual diagnosis treatment program, treatment for drug or alcohol addiction was considered to be separate from treatment for mental health disorders. Care for mental health and the treatment of addictions were delivered at different facilities using radically different therapeutic approaches. Someone is said to have a dual diagnosis if they have a mood disorder such as depression or bipolar disorder as well as a problem with alcohol or drugs.
A person who has a dual diagnosis essentially has two separate illnesses, and each illness needs its own treatment plan. The best dual diagnosis treatment program takes into consideration this fact. If you may suffer from both addiction and a mood disorder, call B-Hope at 765-358-7320 for help today.
Is Dual Diagnosis a Rare Occurrence?
Those with mental illness are more susceptible to addiction. There are studies that indicate that as many as half of those with a drug or alcohol addiction also have some form of mental illness. A good dual diagnosis treatment program takes into account that often dual diagnosis patients are some of the most difficult patients to treat. Those patients can be difficult to treat because often one part of the persons coping mechanism may resemble the abuse of a particular drug.
Because individuals with mental illness have a high susceptibility to having an addiction to drugs or alcohol, there often is no way to initially know whether the drug or alcohol addiction is due to an individual’s mental illness is causing the problem with addiction.
Dual diagnosis patients often have a high suicide rate with a proclivity often towards violent tendencies.
Are You or a Loved One Possibly in Need of a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program?
Call B-Hope at 765-358-7320 Today!
Are Dual Diagnosis Difficult to Treat?
A successful dual diagnosis treatment program provides group therapy for people with dual diagnosis disorders and offers a stronger support network for individuals who are struggling with mental illness as well as addiction.
Treating addiction and mental health disorders at the same time through a dual diagnosis treatment program helps patients address what are the causes of and what may trigger a potential drug relapse. Mood swings, lack of sleep, depression, and panic attacks are all common triggers that people with a dual diagnosis are known to experience.
Some of the top dual diagnosis treatment programs have the following:
- Residential treatment
- Outpatient treatment programs or Intensive Outpatient treatment center options
- Individual therapy
- Medication therapy
- Peer support groups
- Holistic therapy
- Provide ongoing support after rehab is complete
Are Most Drug Treatment Programs Dual Diagnosis?
Though single diagnosis treatment programs have become reduced in nature, they still exist. Bridges of Hope is a program that specializes in treating disorders that are known to occur at the same time. When you are choosing a dual diagnosis treatment program, make certain that you have a full range of options of treatment to choose from.
Ultimately a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program Can Be Difficult to Complete
In the end, the best dual diagnosis programs can move at a pace that’s comfortable for the individual user going through drug rehab. Suffering from a mood disorder like bipolar disorder, depression, or schizophrenia is no longer considered to be a reason for entering into substance abuse treatment.
The care needed through a dual diagnosis treatment program will give the client the best chance of achieving a successful recovery. Call Bridges of Hope at 765-358-7320 for a top dual diagnosis treatment program today.