Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States. For those who struggle with chronic alcohol dependence, it can lead to serious physical and psychological problems. If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol abuse, you may think you can withdraw from alcohol on your own. While methods of self-detoxification may be appealing, they can pose serious risks to your health—and life. That is the exact reason why you need a professional detox from alcohol. It is very important that you seek professional help from a reputable drug and alcohol treatment facility.
If you are fearful of alcohol withdrawal, the following article can help you understand what you will experience. If you are ready to conquer your alcohol abuse once and for all, call B-Hope toll-free today. Our experienced and compassionate treatment team will help create an individualized treatment program that will give you the best chance for lasting recovery.
What to Expect from Alcohol Withdrawal
The General Physical Effects of Alcohol Withdrawal
First and foremost, it is important to understand that your withdrawal from alcohol is dependent on numerous factors. These factors can include the following:
- The amount of alcohol that is consumed.
- The length of time you have abused alcohol.
- The presence of other substances in your system.
- Any pre-existing health conditions—both physical and mental.
No matter the variables, almost everybody will experience some of the following withdrawal symptoms:
- Racing heartbeat
- A headache
- Extreme mood swings
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Agitation
In this early period of withdrawal from alcohol, people can experience the onset of seizures. This occurs when the brain struggles to adjust to incoming stimulation following the abrupt removal of alcohol. Seizures are the most dangerous side effect of alcohol withdrawal and can result in a coma — and even death.
The First Hours of Alcohol Detox
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can occur in as little as two hours after the last drink. The first symptom of early withdrawal is cravings. These cravings can be experienced both physically and psychologically. In addition to alcohol cravings, the common signs of early alcohol withdrawal include physical sicknesses such as nausea, sweating, and vomiting. Newly recovering addicts can also experience, irritability, tremors, and insomnia.
The First Two Days of Alcohol Detox
After the initial hours of detox, more severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal will be experienced by newly recovering alcoholics. During this phase, more life-threatening conditions can develop as the brain tries to adjust to alcohol leaving the body. These symptoms can include hallucinations and the continued presence of seizures. Other potentially life-threatening symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are continuing rapid heartbeat and blood pressure. Another symptom that can be experienced during this crucial stage is delirium tremens. Otherwise known as “the shakes”, delirium tremens is the rapid onset of mental confusion brought on by the sudden absence of alcohol. This condition usually occurs 48 to 96 hours after the last drink and include the following symptoms:
- Constant body tremors
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- Extreme confusion or disorientation
- Wide swings in mood and emotion
With the presence of delirium tremens, it is crucial that the alcoholic seek professional care from a reputable treatment facility. These facilities feature detoxification programs that will help manage alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
The Importance of Professional Detox for Alcohol Withdrawal
As stated earlier, many people who struggle with alcoholism may feel they can withdraw from alcohol on their own without medical supervision. Alcohol is an extremely powerful drug, and these methods of self-detoxification can create a life-threatening situation. To reduce the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, alcoholics must seek to enter an alcohol and drug treatment facility to undergo medical detoxification. As part of the alcohol withdrawal treatment plan, staff will work to manage and eventually eliminate the physical and psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal that can pose a danger to one’s health. This can be accomplished by administering medications to help reduce the intensity of alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
In addition to medically assisted treatment, staff can utilize dietary and other interventions to help make the detox process more tolerable and comfortable as possible. Additionally, alcohol medical detox is also the time for treatment staff to carefully evaluate those new in recovery for any co-occurring physical or mental issues that may be present. It is often believed that an addiction to alcohol and other drugs is a symptom of deeper-rooted issues.
Once any co-occurring issues are discovered, treatment staff can create an individualized treatment plan that can adequately address those problems which will give the newly recovering addict a better chance at achieving long-term recovery. When someone undergoes professional medical detoxification, the top priority of treatment staff is to ensure that the individual will be medically and psychologically stable enough to enter intensive drug treatment. In general, the detox process can last anywhere between 5-14 days. However, the duration of detox can vary depending on the severity of your addiction.
Are You Struggling with Alcohol Addiction?
Addiction is a complex and progressive condition that has significant physical and psychological impacts on those caught in its web. Not only does addiction affect the user, but it also affects their family, loved ones, and the community at large. If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol addiction, you must get immediate professional help. Don’t wait another day; call the experienced and compassionate professionals at Bridges of Hope today.
As a premier drug treatment facility, our staff will create a treatment plan that will fit your unique and specific needs. B-Hope features an alcohol detoxification program that will ease your withdrawal from alcohol. Through medications, diet, and other interventions, our medical detox process will help you better tolerate the withdrawal process and stabilize you for intensive inpatient treatment. Our treatment programs feature a wide array of traditional and holistic approaches.
No matter how severe your alcohol addiction is, the treatment staff at B-Hope will provide you with the tools and support you need to become empowered in your recovery. Our number one goal is to help you become healthy, happy, and sober for a lifetime. Give B-Hope a call toll-free today and begin your journey towards recovery.